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Articles The Place of Azerbaijan in the System of Mutual Relationship Between the Nomadic Steppe and Settled Oasis: the Huns to the Kipchaks
(On R. A. Huseynzadeh’s publication “The Turks of the Desht-I-Kipchak and people around them: a symbiosis of the nomadic steppe and the settled oasis”. Baku, 2019) A lot of books, theses on this topic have been written, both in the former USSR and abroad. However, most of them include contradictions, and, it must be admitted, contrapositions. The aim of this is very simple: to diminish the role of the Turkic-speaking ethnoses in forming and developing of nations and states of the Eurasian area. The author of the above given book has spent over 60 years on researching the topic and let through his cognitive system, if one can say so, a huge amount of information and came to conclusion that it all must be published… The given topic is an integral part of the general Turkic problem. It embraces the past of both the ethnoses of the Turkic-speaking family and relevant nations and states of Eurasia.
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  TEXT +   TEXT -    Опубликовано : 09.04.19 | Просмотров : 1166 | Загрузок : 206