Without hegemony of the idea, dominion is considered to be transitory, a tool of administrating society by means of laws.
Просмотров : 1146 |
Загрузок : 131 |
(virtual reality)
Просмотров : 1128 |
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Water is the source of life energy; its absence is the end of our existence on Earth
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(Night, a dog, a night watchman and me)
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(“…By starting a family, a God’s slave completes his earthly mission half…”)
( a hadith about the good of marriage)
Просмотров : 1206 |
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Who is empowered in the heaven to award talent to man?
(Why does God give man talent? How does He choose them? How does all this happen? Who decides the destiny of talent? does talent inhabit? Why do only some people become poets? How does this conform to celestial justice? Who does give right to talent to make us pleased and sad?)
Просмотров : 1242 |
Загрузок : 140 |
It cannot be for two persons simultaneously!
Просмотров : 1097 |
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More power and more love. However, children have their own formula about it: less power, more love and freedom. Unfortunately, this is only applicable to grandchildren.)
Просмотров : 1214 |
Загрузок : 135 |