Просмотров : 1218 |
Загрузок : 138 |
(Only that functions what can support life of the world community that has suddenly fallen into dormancy without giving clear instructions about the time of its awakening. It is an unpleasant state)
Просмотров : 1241 |
Загрузок : 165 |
The melody of life
(The age is not a vice or a disease,
it is a natural state of our organism)
Просмотров : 1315 |
Загрузок : 165 |
Man and society
(A citizen’s duty before the state and society is never written off and forgotten; such a duty is comparable to embezzlement of state or social property, i.e. ours)
Просмотров : 1331 |
Загрузок : 172 |
Culture in religion?
(I think it is just a suggestion)
Просмотров : 1332 |
Загрузок : 165 |
Faith is a spiritual state of man
(Science and knowledge are mental. Ways of faith and knowledge do not merge.)
Просмотров : 1347 |
Загрузок : 173 |
The right of doubt is a natural award since doubt is a knock at the door of knowledge realm
Просмотров : 1439 |
Загрузок : 167 |
One day in the country
(Everything around us is living.
This is the truth of existence)
Просмотров : 1656 |
Загрузок : 192 |