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What is this: force, weakness or hopelessness to do something serious against the one towards whom the so-called one-sided sanctions are applied?

Or, is this the display of indifference to suffering of millions of people, whole countries and nations? Sanctions are applied when diplomacy and politics surrender to other incorrect methods of solving one or another problem, and rather dominance of caprice of one or another weak political leader with great ambitions. Compare: the period 1979 up to our days is the start of sanctions era, blockade of Iran by Washington. Then the USA’s methods of working will become clear, the USA, which is considered the strongest state in the world
Просмотров : 1541 | Загрузок : 262 |
In early August, several Azerbaijan soldiers’ bodies were sent in zinc coffins the frontline and buried. This means that coffins cannot be opened, since the bodies inside them are unrecognizable.
The late July-early August incident happened between Azeri and Armenian troops on the contact line nearly provoked the outbreak of war – the eruption of Garabagh volcano - along the whole frontline.
Просмотров : 1205 | Загрузок : 175 |
Our ancestry’s wisdom has worked for centuries. Nowadays, nothing has left of it. Today, quite another system – “if you don’t want, you’ll be made to” – works with the help of mass media, including powerful TV, Internet and wide web called “social nets”.
Просмотров : 1084 | Загрузок : 192 |
Both the important components of social life suffer this.
The use of Islam in the political struggle against their opponents or rivals is the weak point of the Muslims, whose religious consciousness is atrophied. They must find the ideological basis for struggle and leave religion to take its place in the space of morality, which is a wide and no less important in comparison with other components of social and political life.
Просмотров : 1195 | Загрузок : 228 |
It is surprising but, in my view, they do not serve to strategic and tactic interests of our country, but indulge in geopolitical and military ambitions of deceitful West about talks on the Crimea’s problem. Hypocrisy is one of the generally accepted peculiarities of politics, but there should be limits!
Просмотров : 1237 | Загрузок : 269 |
Organization of bloody springs and recognition of authorities, who came to power through armed coups d’état, led by the West
Просмотров : 1143 | Загрузок : 245 |
Having seized the minds of most Ukrainians, the idea has caused and is still causing a lot of troubles both to Ukrainian people and their neighbours – Russia and Europe which, indeed, do not need the Ukraine embraced by national fascists. This has been also understood in the West, which will lose control over the chaos in the Ukraine like in Egypt. It is high time to get free hate towards Russia, the actions of which have infuriated Europe, which has lost its reason. It is time to return to the way of peaceful co-habitation suitable to civil peoples of Europe and increasing Russia.
Просмотров : 1139 | Загрузок : 176 |
For better understanding of the very essence of the phenomenon of human weakness, I dared to examine more extensively and to try to ground its steadiness, which s human conduct and consciousness very much. When we speak about football fans, we make allowance for spontaneity and composition of fans, young people. However, in our case, we do not speak about that.
Просмотров : 1231 | Загрузок : 236 |
Nature has commanded so that both of them abandon the world.
The Bickford fuse is not only in Erdogan’s hands who worked out a scenario for Turkish tragedy. May God make his match wet the way his 10-year ruling over Turkey is to his not farseeing understanding.
Просмотров : 1215 | Загрузок : 205 |
Peaceful initiatives of quite peaceful international organizations and some people of high moral standards, kind heart and sense of compassion. True, it is little consolation, but a strong support for those who preserve or lose their life in bloody conflicts
Просмотров : 1161 | Загрузок : 241 |
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